I've been itching to learn how to run over the past few years and decided now was the time! I did some research and ended up buying an app for my phone called "Couch to 5k" (the program is available online too, so don't fret if you're Android/iPhone-less!). Its a 9 week running program, three days a week, and by the end of the program, I should be running 30 minutes straight (a little over 3 miles = 5k). So far, I have been really pleased with the program! I feel like I can handle the workouts, and as you may know, learning how to run and getting into shape is sometimes a very mental process. I feel like I am accomplishing my goal and I feel good about my progress. Success!
As added motivation, I signed myself up for a 5k run here in Seattle on September 11th. I'm going to be really excited when I run that whole race!
To me, getting in shape right now is more than just fitting into/looking good in a wedding dress (although, that is definitely a factor!) - I want to do this for myself, to feel good about the progress I've made, and the fitness goals I can accomplish. I want to be able to run! And with the wedding coming up, it is a perfect excuse to finally get going!
What have you been doing fitness-wise to prepare for your upcoming wedding?

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